While the recent apprehension of a ninja threat may appear to be good protection, I must condemn the ATF for its rather token protection efforts. Said ninja escaped from a known Ninja vs Pirate party; however, only one ninja was captured? Either the other ninjas eluded police using their real ultimate power, or the ATF made no effort to stop a larger ninja cell, choosing to capture only a token ninja. Ninjas may seem more threatening, but if allowed, pirates will pillage UGA and make off with our booty. Pirates are not as elusive as ninjas, so I am dismayed that not a one was captured. Despite my criticisms, I am slightly pleased that the ATF and campus police are making at least some steps in the right direction. I doubt even one ninja would have been captured just a year ago. I look forward to the day when our security is prepared to protect us from any threat, whether it be pirate, ninja, robot, zombie, or terrorist.